9 November |
Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 |
Eurochem-Volgakali LLC (RF) |
5 May |
Supply of control station SU-RN PCh with frequency converter and transformer substation SU-RN |
Talleres ZITRON, S.A. (Spain) |
5 May |
Supply of two sets of equipment for mine shaft signaling microprocessor-based MASS |
26 June |
Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 |
REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany) |
21 May |
Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 |
REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany) |
20 March |
Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 |
REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany) |
25 May |
Commissioning of a cage mine cargo lifting machine and a cage mine cargo and human lifting machine for the Petrikovsky mining and processing plant. Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
21 May |
Delivery of a skip container hoist for Mining Division No.1 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
21 February |
Delivery of the mine shaft signaling and communication system, consisting of: microprocessor-based equipment for the mine shaft signaling MASS; AKSPS lifting vessel monitoring and signaling equipment for Tentekskaya mine. UD JSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau", Republic of Kazakhstan |
Management Department of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan |
2 August |
Delivery of a cage cargo hoist and a cage passenger-and-cargo hoist to the Petrikov Mining and Processing Plant Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
30 September |
Re-equipment of the Mining Division No.4 sylvinite processing plant concentration division – Retrofitting of granulation line No.1 – Stage No.1 – Granulation shop Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
21 September |
Mining Division No.3 – Retrofitting of concentration division pump station Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
5 August |
Mining Division No.3 – Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant concentration division – Stage No.2 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
24 October |
Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant at Mining Division No.4 – Retrofitting of granulation line No.1 – Stage No.1 – Granulation shop Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
15 September |
Adjustment of KRU-350 Nos.3&4 VFDs at Mining Division No.2 inclined shaft Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
29 July |
Startup works for the project of Belaruskali raw material base capacity maintenance through construction of two shafts at Mining Division No.4 allotment – Stages Nos.1,2,3 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
29 July |
Trunk conveyor startup works for the project of Belaruskali raw material base capacity maintenance through shaft construction at Mining Division No.4 allotment (Correction 1) |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
16 July |
Automation of production process heating and ventilation for the project of concentration division pump station retrofitting at Mining Division No.3 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
9 July |
Upgrade of BTsK-8/5×2 skip container hoist No.2 of shaft No.1 at the Krasnoslobodsky mine, Mining Division No.2 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
29 May |
Upgrade of 2LU-120 trunk conveyor drive with the use of VFD at the Mining Division No.2 inclined shaft Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
22 April |
Startup works for the project of development of level -450m principal direction at the Krasnoslobodsky mine, Mining Division No.2 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
21 April |
Survey and input data development for development of a potash mining and processing plant with the annual capacity of 2.3 mln t of 95% KCl at the Gremyachin potash field |
13 March |
Repair of SL-300/400 machine control units and mining complex compact station control units at Mining Division No.4 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
4 March |
Mining Division No.3 – Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant concentration division –Stage No.2 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
12 September |
Turnkey construction for the project of main fan retrofitting at Mining Division No.1 (designing; procurement, manufacturing, and supply of equipment, materials, and components; equipment installation and startup) Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
11 September |
Development of design and estimate documents for the project of re-equipment of a sylvinite processing plant: equipment control system upgrade at the sylvinite processing plant No.4 granulation division Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
6 June |
Design works for the project of Kirovskii apatite mine – Main shaft No.2 – S2×1.5A inspection hoist Apatit JSC |
AAT “Apatyt” |
13 June |
Turnkey construction for the project of automated variable drive upgrade at the trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 (designing; procurement, manufacturing, and supply of equipment, materials, and components; equipment installation and startup) Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
6 June |
Frequency converters startup at KRU-35 conveyor of the underground on-site mine conveyor transport section, Mining Division No.1 Belaruskali JSC |
AAT “Apatyt” |
29 September |
Procurement, manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning and adjustment of equipment for the project of VRTsD-4.5 type main fans 1,2 drive upgrade at Mining Division No.3 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
13 September |
East-A conveyor No.2 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level -670m |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
18 August |
Installation, cabling, startup, adjustment of the automated variable electric drive for the trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
30 March |
Installation of the automated electric drive for East conveyors Nos.1,2,3,4 at Mining Division No.4, level -440m |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
16 February |
MASS system startup and adjustment at the cage winding shaft at Novoshirokinsky Mine JSC |
OAO "Novoshirokinskiy mine" |
14 September |
Supervising of automation hardware installation, consulting on automation systems adjustment, witnessing equipment commissioning for the project of Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.1, commissioning complex No.2 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
9 September |
Supervising of automation hardware installation, consulting on automation systems adjustment, witnessing equipment commissioning for the project of Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.2, commissioning complex No.1 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
5 August |
Upgrade of automated variable electric drives of trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
16 June |
Automation works for the retrofitting project of Mining Division No.3 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.1, commissioning complexes Nos.1,2 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
27 May |
Control system installation and adjustment for the project of cage hoist drive upgrade at Mining Division No.3 shaft No.3 |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
11 September |
Project development for trunk shaft conveyor feed and automated variable control system retrofitting at Mining Division No.3 (sections on engineering solutions, feed and automation) PA Belaruskali RUE |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
9 September |
Development of hardware, algorithms, software, and organisational provisions for the SCADA at the reconstructed processing section No.1 of the Mining Division No.3 sylvinite processing plant PA Belaruskali RUE |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
27 June |
Upgrade of KTP 2×10 transformer substation at Mining Division No.3 Belaruskali JSC |
JSC "Belaruskali" |
12 May |
Development of upgrade solutions for the shaft No.3 cage hoist drive at Mining Division No.3 PA Belaruskali RUE |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
12 February |
Development of hardware, algorithms, software, and organisational provisions for the SCADA of concentrators Nos. 31,32,34-38 at Mining Division No.1. Sylvinite processing plant concentration division retrofitting. Stage 1. Commissioning complex No.2 PA Belaruskali RUE |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
14 October |
East-A conveyor No.2 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level 670 |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
17 September |
Upgrade of trunk conveyor drive and load flow control system at Mining Division No.4 Belaruskali JSC |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
17 September |
West-A conveyor No.3 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level 670 |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
13 September |
Startup works for the second stage of concentration division re-equipment at Mining Division No.3 |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
10 September |
Execution of drawings for PE pipe production tools |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
16 July |
East conveyor No.5 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Mining Division No.4, level 440 PA Belaruskali RUE |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
16 July |
Development of load flow control algorithms and software for Belaruskali shaft trunk conveyors based on the microprocessor based conveyor control system, with the use of a variable asynchronous electric drive and application of hardware and software requirements to the RN 2 frequency converter and respective sensors |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
17 April |
Startup of automation systems and recleaner flotation software binding for the project of recleaner flotation retrofitting at Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant No.1, with implementation of IMF-35 pneumatic ejector plants, commissioning complex No.2, flotation sections Nos.3,4,5 |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |
20 February |
Execution of design documents for the PE pipe shop in-plant recirculation water supply system |
RUE "PA "Belaruskali" |