Completed projects

Completed projects

9 November Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 Eurochem-Volgakali LLC (RF)
5 May Supply of control station SU-RN PCh with frequency converter and transformer substation SU-RN Talleres ZITRON, S.A. (Spain)
5 May Supply of two sets of equipment for mine shaft signaling microprocessor-based MASS JV LLC "INSTITUT GORNOY ELEKTROTEXNIKI I AVTOMATIZATSII" (Republic of Uzbekistan)
26 June Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany)
21 May Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany)
20 March Supply of laser directional indicators UNL-03/V/K1 REDPATH DEILMANN, Gmbh, (Germany)
25 May Commissioning of a cage mine cargo lifting machine and a cage mine cargo and human lifting machine for the Petrikovsky mining and processing plant. Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
21 May Delivery of a skip container hoist for Mining Division No.1 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
21 February Delivery of the mine shaft signaling and communication system, consisting of: microprocessor-based equipment for the mine shaft signaling MASS; AKSPS lifting vessel monitoring and signaling equipment for Tentekskaya mine. UD JSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau", Republic of Kazakhstan Management Department of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 August Delivery of a cage cargo hoist and a cage passenger-and-cargo hoist to the Petrikov Mining and Processing Plant Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
30 September Re-equipment of the Mining Division No.4 sylvinite processing plant concentration division – Retrofitting of granulation line No.1 – Stage No.1 – Granulation shop Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
21 September Mining Division No.3 – Retrofitting of concentration division pump station Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
5 August Mining Division No.3 – Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant concentration division – Stage No.2 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
24 October Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant at Mining Division No.4 – Retrofitting of granulation line No.1 – Stage No.1 – Granulation shop Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
15 September Adjustment of KRU-350 Nos.3&4 VFDs at Mining Division No.2 inclined shaft Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
29 July Startup works for the project of Belaruskali raw material base capacity maintenance through construction of two shafts at Mining Division No.4 allotment – Stages Nos.1,2,3    Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
29 July Trunk conveyor startup works for the project of Belaruskali raw material base capacity maintenance through shaft construction at Mining Division No.4 allotment (Correction 1)     JSC "Belaruskali"
16 July Automation of production process heating and ventilation for the project of concentration division pump station retrofitting at Mining Division No.3 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
9 July Upgrade of BTsK-8/5×2 skip container hoist No.2 of shaft No.1 at the Krasnoslobodsky mine, Mining Division No.2 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
29 May Upgrade of 2LU-120 trunk conveyor drive with the use of VFD at the Mining Division No.2 inclined shaft Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
22 April Startup works for the project of development of level -450m principal direction at the Krasnoslobodsky mine, Mining Division No.2 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
21 April Survey and input data development for development of a potash mining and processing plant with the annual capacity of 2.3 mln t of 95% KCl at the Gremyachin potash field
13 March Repair of SL-300/400 machine control units and mining complex compact station control units at Mining Division No.4 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
4 March Mining Division No.3 – Re-equipment of the sylvinite processing plant concentration division –Stage No.2    Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
12 September Turnkey construction for the project of main fan retrofitting at Mining Division No.1 (designing; procurement, manufacturing, and supply of equipment, materials, and components; equipment installation and startup)    Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
11 September Development of design and estimate documents for the project of re-equipment of a sylvinite processing plant: equipment control system upgrade at the sylvinite processing plant No.4 granulation division Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
6 June Design works for the project of Kirovskii apatite mine – Main shaft No.2 – S2×1.5A inspection hoist Apatit JSC AAT “Apatyt”
13 June Turnkey construction for the project of automated variable drive upgrade at the trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 (designing; procurement, manufacturing, and supply of equipment, materials, and components; equipment installation and startup)    Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
6 June Frequency converters startup at KRU-35 conveyor of the underground on-site mine conveyor transport section, Mining Division No.1 Belaruskali JSC AAT “Apatyt”
29 September Procurement, manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning and adjustment of equipment for the project of VRTsD-4.5 type main fans 1,2 drive upgrade at Mining Division No.3 JSC "Belaruskali"
13 September East-A conveyor No.2 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level -670m JSC "Belaruskali"
18 August Installation, cabling, startup, adjustment of the automated variable electric drive for the trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
30 March Installation of the automated electric drive for East conveyors Nos.1,2,3,4 at Mining Division No.4, level -440m JSC "Belaruskali"
16 February MASS system startup and adjustment at the cage winding shaft at Novoshirokinsky Mine JSC     OAO "Novoshirokinskiy mine"
14 September Supervising of automation hardware installation, consulting on automation systems adjustment, witnessing equipment commissioning for the project of Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.1, commissioning complex No.2 JSC "Belaruskali"
9 September Supervising of automation hardware installation, consulting on automation systems adjustment, witnessing equipment commissioning for the project of Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.2, commissioning complex No.1 JSC "Belaruskali"
5 August Upgrade of automated variable electric drives of trunk shaft conveyors at Mining Division No.3 JSC "Belaruskali"
16 June Automation works for the retrofitting project of Mining Division No.3 sylvinite processing plant concentration division, stage No.1, commissioning complexes Nos.1,2 JSC "Belaruskali"
27 May Control system installation and adjustment for the project of cage hoist drive upgrade at Mining Division No.3 shaft No.3 JSC "Belaruskali"
11 September Project development for trunk shaft conveyor feed and automated variable control system retrofitting at Mining Division No.3 (sections on engineering solutions, feed and automation) PA Belaruskali RUE RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
9 September Development of hardware, algorithms, software, and organisational provisions for the SCADA at the reconstructed processing section No.1 of the Mining Division No.3 sylvinite processing plant PA Belaruskali RUE RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
27 June Upgrade of KTP 2×10 transformer substation at Mining Division No.3    Belaruskali JSC JSC "Belaruskali"
12 May Development of upgrade solutions for the shaft No.3 cage hoist drive at Mining Division No.3    PA Belaruskali RUE RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
12 February Development of hardware, algorithms, software, and organisational provisions for the SCADA of concentrators Nos. 31,32,34-38 at Mining Division No.1. Sylvinite processing plant concentration division retrofitting. Stage 1. Commissioning complex No.2 PA Belaruskali RUE RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
14 October East-A conveyor No.2 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level 670 RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
17 September Upgrade of trunk conveyor drive and load flow control system at Mining Division No.4    Belaruskali JSC RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
17 September West-A conveyor No.3 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Belaruskali Mining Division No.4, level 670 RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
13 September Startup works for the second stage of concentration division re-equipment at Mining Division No.3 RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
10 September Execution of drawings for PE pipe production tools RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
16 July East conveyor No.5 drive feed and control system retrofitting at Mining Division No.4, level 440    PA Belaruskali RUE RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
16 July Development of load flow control algorithms and software for Belaruskali shaft trunk conveyors based on the microprocessor based conveyor control system, with the use of a variable asynchronous electric drive and application of hardware and software requirements to the RN 2 frequency converter and respective sensors RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
17 April Startup of automation systems and recleaner flotation software binding for the project of recleaner flotation retrofitting at Mining Division No.1 sylvinite processing plant No.1, with implementation of IMF-35 pneumatic ejector plants, commissioning complex No.2, flotation sections Nos.3,4,5 RUE "PA "Belaruskali"
20 February Execution of design documents for the PE pipe shop in-plant recirculation water supply system RUE "PA "Belaruskali"