About us

About us

The Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation, LLC (IGEA) is an engineering and manufacturing company. We are a part of PASSAT holding dedicated to serving mining companies for more than a score years hitherto.

Our tasks:

  • To develop and implement integrated automation solutions

  • To produce electrical and automation equipment (including explosion-proof) with the use of innovations

  • To upgrade mining and chemical industrial facilities

  • To do research and development in mining and chemical industries

Our activities:

  • Comprehensive examination of facilities and development of draft proposals, based on the most efficient and cost-effective solutions

  • Development of a comprehensive upgrade project, including reasonable specifications for the supply of process equipment

  • Supply of necessary process equipment and automatic control systems

  • Installation of required networks and utilities

  • Installation of equipment

  • Starting-up and adjustment of equipment

Our complex solutions and equipment provide:

  • Better performance

  • Lower power consumption for production

  • Higher process safety
  • The projects introduced by our engineers can reduce power consumption for production by up to 60%.

  • Our team combines rich experience with energy and creativity which can jointly offer customised solutions.

The projects implemented by our specialists make it possible to reduce energy costs for production by up to 60%.

The team of the Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation includes both professionals with rich experience and energetic, creative young employees who offer non-standard solutions.

In 2011 our enterprise has passed the procedure of certification of the quality management system for the development and production of mining equipment for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009.

In 2017, among the first in the Republic of Belarus, LLC "Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation" received a certificate of conformity certifying that the quality management system in relation to the design and production of machinery and equipment used in the mining and chemical industry, electrical installation work, complies with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015.

Employees of the automation department of the Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation LLC won the programming competition as part of the Siemens Partners Seminar in Moscow in 2019.

In 2019, the Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation LLC took part in the national competition "Entrepreneur of the Year" in Minsk, where among 27 companies the Company became the owner of the title "Entrepreneur of the Year", represented by the Manager Stepurko Alexander Vladimirovich.

And in 2021, Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation LLC again received the title of "Entrepreneur of the Year" in the "Sustainable Success" nomination, among more than a hundred participants from different parts of the country.

At the end of 2019, in accordance with the protocol dated December 19, 2019, number 1 of the meeting of the republican competition commission for summarizing the results of the contest "The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" in 2019, the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus approved the winners of the contest "The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" 2019, where LLC "Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation" became one of the winners in the nomination "Industrial and technical products" of the Minsk region. The best products of the year were Equipment for monitoring and signaling the lifting vessel AKSPS, Microprocessor-based mine shaft signaling equipment MASS and Laser direction indicator UNL (Resolution No. 75 of December 31, 2019).

In 2020, in the same nomination, frequency converters manufactured by the Institute and complete switchgears of GIS of the IGEA S series became laureates.

Participation in the "Efficiency Leader - 2020" competition brought the Institute another victory - this time in the "Energy Efficient Product of the Year" nomination, where a frequency converter was presented. And in the nomination "Energy Efficient Technology of the Year" the championship was taken by the electric drive and the microprocessor control system for cage hoisting machines.