Frequency converter
Environment conditions:
Climatic version: U5 (temperate)
Ambient temperature: minus 15°C to +55°C
Relative humidity: 5% to 95%
Atmospheric pressure: (84.0-106.7) kPa
Dust concentration in air: max. 500 mg/m3
Altitude: 1000m below sea level to 1000m above sea level
Frequency converter circuitry provides:
Conversion of 400(690)V/50Hz mains power into 0-400(0-690)V/0-500Hz at downstream electric motor
Control by binary and analogue signals
Communication by Profibus, DRIVE-CLiQ (option – Profinet)
Performance parameters indication at the operator’s panel
Prevention of branch line self-engagement at brief (max. 0.1s) mains voltage rise up to 150% of rated value
Output circuit leakage current protection
Contactor interlock upon overcurrent or overheating trip
Electric motor temperature monitoring
Main performance specifications
Property |
Value |
Rated power, kW |
22, 30, 75, 90, 110, 132, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400...800 |
Rated feed voltage, V |
400 (690) +10% -15% |
Feed voltage rated frequency, Hz |
50±5% |
Control method |
Vector control with/without speed sensor, including direct torque adjustment, U/f |
Efficiency, %, min. |
98 |
Control circuit rated voltage, V |
24/220 |
Coolant |
Air |
Enclosure protection rating |
IР54 |
Noise level, dBA, max. |
70 |