IGEA supplies frequency converters for conveyors at Belaruskali Mining Division No.2

IGEA supplies frequency converters for conveyors at Belaruskali Mining Division No.2

IGEA supplies frequency converters for conveyors at Belaruskali Mining Division No.2

The belt slope at Mining Division No.2 is the longest one of all Belaruskali underground mines – over 2 km. This is the slope to bring ore from every excavation point to the shaft. The slope gradient is six degrees on the average.

Earlier the drive engines here had been started directly, and inadvertent belt overloading was not a rare cause of emergency stop, while every miner is aware of the problems inherent in starting a loaded belt: risk of engine or starter failure. And they often failed, indeed.

Water-cooled frequency converter stations based on Siemens Sinamics S120 and Simovert MasterDrive converters provide uninterrupted fault-free running of the belt, reduce specific power consumption for ore transportation per ton by 37%, and increase capacity by as much as 20%.